Vergi city hotel

Vergi city hotel

Тараканы в номере, в холле тараканы и жуки где то с 23 часов и до часа ночи бегают. После путешествия гости рассказывают нам о своих впечатлениях. Домашние животные Размещение с домашними животными не допускается. В отеле русскоговорящий персонал.

The furniture is not new, but not shabby. The room had a bed, table, chair, wardrobe, TV, air conditioning, kettle. You could borrow a refrigerator and a safe on deposit. The bathroom is small, comfortable shower, normal plumbing. Wi-Fi paid. Cleaning - we were not particularly in the room, but it was clean, it is clear that they cleaned daily, changed towels, changed bed linen several times a week.

We were satisfied with the food, although we expected the worst. Breakfasts are monotonous, usually there was porridge, vegetables, sausage cheese, cottage cheese, toast, eggs. Dinners - side dishes, salads, grilled vegetables, meat chicken, turkey , sometimes they gave fish, fruits, a couple of types of sweets. Service is fast.

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Near the hotel there is a very well-groomed and clean beach, the bottom is flat, without stones, excellent for swimming with children. Sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach are paid, but there is an area where you can just relax on the sand.

In the evenings, we often took the bus to Larnaca or wandered around the local establishments bars, restaurants near the hotel. As for a budget holiday, this hotel is quite a suitable option and I would recommend it to friends and family. Never go to this hotel!

Vergi City ☀️ Кипр, Ларнака ✈️ KOMPAS Touroperator

Greedy owner!! Tasteless food! There is nowhere to dry bathing suits! Greedy owner, aggressive boor!!! Disgusting food! They take money for everything 6. Is not it too much???? There is no pool, it is littered with rubbish! Good time of the day! Rested with friends in this hotel in October 18! Nice hotel, corresponds to the stated description! Very friendly administrator Olga Russian girl!

Thanks a lot for this Clean rooms, cleaning every day! The entire staff is friendly, helpful and smiling! I regretted not going to the disco The hotel is located near the sea, the beach is clean, the sea is perfectly clean and calm! I will be there with great pleasure!! Lived in pronomer with a child of 6 years. We went to see Cyprus and relax by the sea and this hotel was perfect for us.

After reading a lot of reviews, we did not expect delight, so we were sooo happy. On the plus side, proximity to the sea and it is shallow there was no excitement for the child , friendly staff. We hid from the afternoon sun in the pool area. The breakfasts are monotonous, the dinner is excellent, there were always fruits. There are parrots in cages on the territory of the hotel, so the kids have something to see.

So, if you are not going to watch TV in your room, but are actively spending time, I recommend that you boldly visit and enjoy your vacation. I stayed in this hotel last year, but the impressions remained! Because of this, it was dumb to sleep at night but in general the hotel is for those who want to see Cyprus and do not plan to sit in the hotel for sure.

The sea is nearby, 5 minutes walk. There is no beach from the hotel, the city beach, which is more likely not sand, but clay. It is not very convenient to lie on a towel, of course it is better to pay for a sunbed. Entrance to the sea - you need to go for a very long time, generally shallow, but just right for the kids. At the hotel we had breakfast-dinner meals, tolerable - you can eat, but of course without variety and without frills, definitely.

We paid an inexpensive ticket for about euros per person, but even so, I would hardly want to stay at this hotel for the second time. The rooms in this hotel will ruin your entire vacation. The hotel was chosen according to the description and several reviews, as well as the proximity of the city beach within walking distance. Arriving, we saw in the basement musty from dampness and the proximity of many parrot cages under the window, rooms without windows.

Before we even thought about it, he was gone. The nights were without air, dampness, we slept with the door open, but the scream and the stench from the parrots did not know where to go. The breakfast was meager, but fresh cheese, eggs, olives, tea , but the dinner was "tin".

It seemed that the food was left after the banquets and something was prepared for us from this. Cypriots in the evening gathered in a bar about 50 people and Terrible hotel, absolutely do not recommend. Cyprus itself, Larnaca and the beach are beautiful. The hotel is bad. We were there in April of this year. If it were not for the warm and clean sea, excursions in Cyprus - the rest would have gone badly.

The beds are terrible. The water was always hot. The hotel is located about eight km from Larnaca, there is a bus every hour for 1. Less frequently on weekends. The food is not very good, but no one will go hungry. Осталось всего 3 шага и не более 30 секунд, чтобы получить цену вашего тура прямо сейчас. Осталось всего 2 шага и не более 30 секунд, чтобы получить цену вашего тура прямо сейчас.

Осталось всего 1 шаг и не более 30 секунд, чтобы получить цену вашего тура прямо сейчас. Получить промокод.

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Показать поиск туров. Отзывы об отеле Vergi City Hotel. Сам отель на 2 звезды: большего и не стоит В номерах. Читать далее Этот отель мне предложило турагентство, включая мои.

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Тараканы в номере, в холле тараканы и жуки где то с Караоке по пятницам и субботам в таверне. Были только 6 дней, остались бы намного дольше. Оставьте ваш телефон и мы перезвоним вам за 1 минуту. Жду звонка. Услуги отеля. Снек-бар Бар Ресторан.

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Hotel Reviews Vergi City Hotel 2* (Larnaca)

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Отели Кипра. Размещение с домашними животными в отелях. Дополнительные услуги. Индивидуальные трансферы. VIP-сервис в аэропорту г.

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