Area expo milan

Area expo milan

Театры 2 Парки развлечений 3 Клубы, концертные площадки 11 Фестивали, праздники, шоу 2. Другие музеи Милана. Wi-Fi предоставляется на территории всего отеля бесплатно. Уже не первый раз здесь останавливаемся нам очень нравиться.

Broadcast from December 7, the second phase of the campaign, is dedicated to the many facets of the visitor experience at Expo Milano Starting from the theme of experience, including events, content, thematic tours and attention-grabbing architecture, the spot concludes with a simple question: "What will we do at Expo? Designed by internationally-renowned architects, the site comprises an area of 1. Expo Milano includes an exposition garden with more than 12, trees, water features and a canal.

Area expo milan

Reflecting the signature urban-planning style of the ancient Romans, the site is based on two wide avenues, the Cardo and the Decumano, which intersect at Piazza Italia. On these avenues stand the pavilions of the participating countries, the public squares and the areas dedicated to events and catering. Constructed to be energy-efficient and sustainable, the buildings are designed to be removed and reused after the event concludes.

Area expo milan

The site will host four thematic areas. These range from Pavilion Zero, which traces the history of humankind via its relationship with food, to the Future Food District, which explains how technology will change food storage, distribution, purchase, and consumption.

For the countries that chose not to have their own pavilions, Expo Milan has created an innovative mode of participation: the Cluster.


These exhibition spaces bring together countries that all produce, or have a relationship with, a specific food. The nine Clusters are spread over a total area of 36, square meters.

Expo Milano 2015, Milan, Italy - Crystal Fountains

Within each Cluster, videos, installations and photo exhibitions illustrate the history of the food or kind of food. Cooking demonstrations and tastings will take place, and there will also be a market, where visitors can discover these foods, presented directly by the people who cultivate them. Cooperation is essential if we are to achieve the goal of ensuring sufficient food and food security throughout the world, which is what "Feeding the Planet" means.

Expo Milano is the chosen location for confronting the issues of agriculture, sustainable development, and the struggle to combat hunger for the common good. The keywords here are: innovation, energy conservation, environmental protection and natural resources. The protagonists of this dialogue will be the participating countries, international organizations, Civil Society, and businesses.

Area expo milan

Expo Milano ushers in a new model for the Universal Exhibition. Он был спроектирован Массимилиано Фуксасом и состоит из 20 больших стендов. Конгресс-центр Stella Polare расположен в самом сердце района Фьерамилано.

Его разработал Массимилиано Фукосас.

Milano, la città di Expo - Milan, the City of Expo

Он был спроектирован Пьерлуиджи Николином и является крупнейшим конференц-центром в Европе. Отличительной чертой Allianz MiCo является оригинальная крыша в форме кометы. Юридический адрес: площадь Карло Маго 1, Милан. Номер коммерческого реестра Милана.

Area expo milan

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