Vienna weather january 2020

Vienna weather january 2020

Russian business leaders are gradually implementing the SDGs in their strategies and business models [9], [10]. The construction of new renewable energy facilities up to 10 GW is planned. And finally, some indicators cover just a small segment of what the respective goal is meant to achieve. The comments show how difficult it is to identify adequate indicators for all the goals in the new agenda. Cooperation with businesses contributes to the effective development of science.

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О профессии менеджера by Peter F. Drucker | Goodreads

Have you ever noticed that when you learn something you start to see it everywhere? Well, as I read this book, I began taking much more note of the management styles in my company and the companies of acquaintances; in some cases to my chagrin, consternation, and befuddlement.

Of course, by asking this I seem to have forgotten that I did not understand those same principles until I read them. I suppose I can cut them some slack until I know everything.

Besides it will be a good exercise in patience. This book helped me see more clearly the role of management in this last century, to see where it came from and why, and to get an idea of where we are headed in the future. Provides a much broader range of thought on the rise of organizations in shaping a new world, and the increasingly important role of managing those organizations - I did not realize that management as we know it now scarcely existed prior to Hussam Tag.

Ibtesam Abu Khalaf. Todd Cheng. Parts of the passages were completed in and forecasted conclusions that may emerge in or I think he was spot on. Not sure many could forecast out years the changes in the work structures. Drucker your knack at researching history, looking at the writhing of the current system, and predict a near off future remain far better than a weather guide. Now in the future you expected to emerge - the 3rd management age of information and specialized knowledge worker is here.

And it continues to shake up the current hierarchy of management. A next order of thought is if having known with complete confidence that this future was coming what would a me of have done? What would the 13 or 14 year old have done?

Not much different. Try to figure myself out. In what are similar authors in management and technology predicting as this 3rd order matures? What will entail. My guess is either much more specialization or a dark age. Great author. Have read most of his books. Most if not all I would read again. Ali Abs. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. Show full review. Mark Bunch. Measured by the Gini coefficient, income distribution in Russia stands at 0.

Another economic factor impeding poverty reduction is the prevalence of informal employment. This sector of the labour market grew from From to , this percentage did not change significantly, but it started growing again in late This was due to the downsizing of small enterprises and the migration of entrepreneurs to self-employment due to excessive administrative pressure and corruption.

The Russian economy is in the grip of the state. The coronavirus pandemic is a challenge for all aspects of social policy in Russia. Optimistically, the state has a chance to successfully avoid detrimental consequences since the Russian National Wealth Fund has accumulated about 10 trillion rubles. The federal budget exhibits a steadfast surplus, and the Central Bank of Russia deposits record-breaking reserves.

On top of this, confronting over-centralised authorities, local governance and community organisations are unlikely to be able to have a role in solving societal issues. T he only way to reverse these negative developments is to launch large-scale economic reforms that will improve the investment climate, the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and create highly paid jobs in other sectors of the Russian economy, not just in the natural resources sector.

In this regard, we can offer the following recommendations to the government on behalf of civil society, in order to better facilitate the achievement of SDG 1 in Russia. Create incentives for informal employees to come out of the shadow economy. Participate in joint actions and establish feedback, including data exchange. Сельское хозяйство в России. Таможенная статистика внешней торговли. Экспорт из России. National Plan and its Implementation Participation of Regional and Local Authorities Information Availability Civil Society Participation ccording to the Russian Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat , in the first quarter of , the number of citizens with incomes below the minimum subsistence level was More than non-profit charitable organisations provide assistance to vulnerable groups within the population.

Hunger is not a major problem for Russia. Citizens are provided with essential food supplies from the domestic market.

The introduction of a food embargo in constituted an impetus for the growth of agriculture. During the period of countersanctions, domestic agricultural production grew by The country has achieved food security in the core areas: grain, vegetable oil, sugar, meat and meat products.

The Programme was adopted in July and extended until In February , the Ministry of Agriculture 18 1. Russian and imported agricultural equipment with no domestic equivalent were granted a lease with zero initial payment for a term of up to seven years.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in the country harvested a record 1. In , meat and poultry production grew by 1. Russia ensures not only her own food security but also the food security of other countries.

One of the SDG 2 targets is to maintain plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. The genetic diversity of seeds is preserved due to the Vavilov seed bank and Kuban genetic bank of seeds. Russia has the world collection of plant genetic resources, which includes about thousand samples. This document meets the SDG 2 targets. The Doctrine stipulates a list of national interests, which include, among others, an improvement in the quality of life of Russian citizens through ensuring adequate food provision; supplying quality and safe foodstuffs to the population; and the Major Problems and Challenges I t is impossible to achieve SDG 2 without enhancing the quality of life of Russian citizens and improving the environment.

The former will benefit nutrition and increase life expectancy, while the latter will reduce climate-related risks and natural hazards storms, hurricanes, droughts, fires, floods, etc , as well as guarantee stable agricultural development. According to Rosstat, data up to the second quarter of shows that The highest proportion of those who cannot afford durable goods is among non-working retirees The largest number of families who only have enough money for food and clothing is concentrated in the Republic of Ingushetia Households which reported that their income is entirely spent on food and clothing remain the largest.

The Doctrine defines the food security objectives: sustainable development in the production of farm products, commodities and food sufficient for ensuring food independence, based on scientifically proven planning concepts; the creation of strategic food stocks; ensuring the physical and economic availability of safe, quality assorted foodstuffs required for the creation of a healthy diet for every citizen in the country; and ensuring food safety.

Reducing Excessive Food Consumption Although a number of households spend a significant proportion of their money on food, the use of foodstuffs in Russia is irrational. It is more cost-effective and legal to dispose of expired products or products at the end of their shelf life in a landfill, rather than to hand them over to those in need or recycle them. Moreover, the return of residual stock, the shelf life of which does not exceed 30 days, has been banned since June , and therefore they are also sent to landfill sites.

A lack of quality food and an unsustainable use of foodstuffs go hand in hand. Reducing spoilage in food production, encouraging the donation of food, as well as lean management in food production, will further reduce the number of unsold products. This will decrease the amount of food waste, and therefore the extent of landfill sites, reduce emissions of methane and other gases, and mitigate the negative impact of landfills on the environment.

No legislative measures are currently being taken in Russia to reduce food waste. There is no labelling of a number of goods that would enable them to be tracked and citizens to be informed about the quality and legality of their production. Moreover, there is no regulation of existing food banks and discounters that would contribute to the reduction of discarded products complying with the Sanitary Regulations and Norms SanPiN.

Food Security and Nutritional Quality What hinders achieving SDG 2 is the need to revise the food basket in order to make the diet healthier. The basic food basket in Russia for able-bodied citizens includes bread products This food basket was approved by a federal law in The abundance of sugary foods and bread products does not meet the principles of a healthy diet. Malnutrition results in obesity and overweight, as well as a number of other diseases caused by a lack of microelements and nutrients.

It is possible to attain SDG 2 by increasing the amount of meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, and fruits, and reducing starchy foods and high-carbohydrate vegetables. It is also necessary to highlight that full balanced nutrition 20 is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body, especially in the period of growth and development.

The quality of baby food should be improved and enriched with microelements. Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture and Traditional Activities It is possible to mitigate the risks of hunger and ensure food security in the context of climate change and rising hazard levels.

Adherence to the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as carbon footprint management, will contribute to this. This requires, inter alia, measuring the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. Meanwhile, as long as Russia lacks a roadmap for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change, the carbon footprint will not be measured in land clearing, the production and consumption of food, fuel, manufacturing and the use of industrial goods, materials, timber, roads, buildings, transport and other services.

Agriculture can have a negative impact on food. Poor quality fertilizers, and their improper selection and dosage, lead to soil degradation and an excessive concentration of harmful substances in food. Sustainable agriculture and farming could contribute to improving the nutrition of Russian citizens, reducing the cost of food and creating new jobs. The lack of modern technologies and practices, their transfer on affordable terms, and the lack of breeding centres also hinder the development of environmentally friendly production on an industrial scale.

A solution to the issue might include improving production factors, transport and warehouse logistics, in particular storage networks and wholesale centres, as well as establishing logistics and distribution centres. Preferential leasing of machinery and equipment could become an impetus for agricultural development. It should also be noted that entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture experience a high loan debt burden and insufficient financing in terms of grants for targeted needs.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger Supporting sustainable farming will also contribute to the revival of villages, and generate employment for large numbers of people in a volatile economic environment.

The development of traditional activities is the basis for sustaining livelihoods and nutrition in remote areas in the traditional settlements of Indigenous People, especially the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Андреев Е. Over the past three years, life expectancy in Russia has continued to increase, which may serve as an integral indicator of SDG 3 implementation.

Premature mortality caused by non-communicable diseases is declining. That is visible through a decrease in working-age mortality. It should be noted that there are almost no problems with maternal and neonatal mortality in Russia, which means that targets 3. Радаев В. Certain progress has been achieved in the treatment of hepatitis, especially viral hepatitis C, as well as in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking are decreasing, and the number of people who follow a healthy lifestyle is growing.

The aforementioned tendency is supported by cohort changes in both sexes: good health is more widespread among young people [2, 3]. Road traffic mortality is also dropping [1]. The fight against non-certified and counterfeit medicines has been positively improved due to the introduction of medicine labelling. Infographics present the indicator dynamics Major Problems and Challenges H owever, there are still tangible barriers to the implementation of SDG 3.

While achieving targets 3. Non-communicable diseases and injuries are strongly associated with older age groups. The COVID pandemic has shown that the spread of infections among elderly people is also a challenge. Russia does not currently pay enough attention to the problem of health care for elderly people. The particularities of Russian legislation hinder educational activities in schools, awarenessraising among people with non-traditional sexual orientations and other risk groups.

The high rate of HIV infection threatens to spread rapidly into neighboring states [5]. Despite recent improvements, Russia is still listed among the 30 countries with the most severe level of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis [6]. Figure 6. Working-age mortality rates per , Working-age mortality rates per , people Mortality caused by road traffic injury per , people ,4 ,7 ,7 ,9 ,7 ,9 ,6 ,7 ,3 ,5 ,2 14,1 13,7 14 12,7 12,5 11,6 0 24 21,6 22,3 HIV-related mortality per , people 17,0 16,4 16,7 17,1 16,7 16,6 20,1 18 12 6 2,6 5,8 6,3 7,4 3,1 4 4,7 8,7 10,6 0 Healthcare System Problems 3.

Как меняется российское общество. Покровский В. Under-financing of the healthcare system is one of the most significant challenges in the implementation of SDG 3. However, the consolidated budget up to does not include such figures. Inequalities in the healthcare system are mainly regional.

In addition, there are vulnerable groups who do not have access to quality medical treatment migrants, older age groups, patients suffering from rare and orphan diseases, people living in remote and inaccessible regions, etc. Access to drug therapy cannot be addressed by government regulation alone. Drug price regulation leads to shortages of essential drugs, or their substitution by alternatives lacking drug trials and proper testing of their effectiveness.

Покровская А. Drug-resistant TB: global situation. Public discontent with healthcare reform is growing. Protests are emerging among both doctors and patients. The general lack of transparency in the healthcare system and a traditional distrust of it have led, among other things, to a rejection of vaccinations and prescribed medications. The goals of the National Projects have been deemed ambitious, but it is likely that many of them will remain just that: as ambitions that have not been translated into action.

Healthy Living and Well-being Despite an active campaign against alcohol use, the decline in the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages slowed down in the late s. Experts report an increase in illegal alcohol production. Vodka producers have extensive lobbying capabilities.

Excise taxes do not make a distinction between strong beverages and low-alcohol drinks, although the experience of developed countries suggests that such a measure is necessary.

Although the standardised traffic-related death rate in reached its level and continues to decline currently standing at the lowest level yet observed , traffic-related death rate statistics have significant regional disparities, still surpassing those of developed, and some developing, countries.

Ban their deportation and the denial of their entry into Russia. This will ensure that the right of foreign citizens to health care is respected. It is necessary to ensure the effective collection of epidemiological data on foreign citizens actually residing in Russia. Assist in the training and social support of people through programmes with a social mandate and international cooperation.

Promote current research findings on these subjects. Monitor the situation in order to respond quickly to public requests to review the lists of guarantees. Национальные проекты: целевые показатели и основные результаты. The education reform aims to improve access to education, and improve its quality and efficiency. The problem of mass literacy and numeracy was solved in the Soviet period.

Primary and secondary education is free and accessible. Educational standards, infrastructure, and school facilities are constantly being upgraded. Pre-primary education is a part of the basic education system. Most boys and girls from the age of three are provided with care, early childhood development and intervention programmes.

There is also a high demand for supplementary education. Talent support and development centres are being established in each region based on the model of the Sirius Centre for Gifted Education in Sochi. All citizens have access to free vocational and tertiary education on a competitive basis. New university models appear to meet different needs and purposes: national research, federal, and regional flagship universities.

One can get a university 28 2. It is planned that the number of foreign students studying in Russian universities will at least double by , Russian universities will employ the best graduates, and new accommodation facilities will be created on student campuses. Continuing Professional Education addresses the concerns of a wide range of employees, as well as the unemployed, migrants and older age groups. Traditions of buddy systems and mentoring are being revived.

Russia is expanding its participation in international movements such as WorldSkills raising the profile and recognition of skilled people and Abilympics vocational skills competitions specifically designed for individuals with disabilities.

Entrepreneurship and digital economy development programmes are available and career guidance is gaining popularity. Educators are trained through Bachelor and Master programmes. The former usually work at schools and the latter are employed at universities. The number of schools and universities especially private ones is gradually decreasing; they are either being merged or eliminated. Families have to spend a significant amount of money on private tutors and supplementary education, as well as pay tuition fees fee-paying programmes are available on a competitive basis [3].

Образование в цифрах: Краткий статистический сборник. Образование для сложного общества. Как сделать образование двигателем социально-экономического развития? The university syllabus and the school curriculum mostly meet the needs of the former industrial era.

Educators in Russia experience a lack of modern educational solutions and technologies. Leading experts and specialists on new innovations are invited from abroad. Professional education standards continue to follow the well-known rules of the past, while substantial investment in higher education does not result in tangible breakthroughs in science and technology, nor does it ensure economic growth.

The vast majority of state resources support top universities, which already have a good foundation. While many learning programmes present an illusion of diversity, materials and textbooks are often of poor quality. The interests of certain publishing houses are lobbied on the market. It is quite difficult to publish learning materials and textbooks in native and indigenous languages.

There is no focus on personal and social development, or building flexible skills. Students are mainly trained to pass the final assessment based on standard assignments, and are intently focused on the trappings of university status diplomas, certificates, extracurricular activities, etc.

Schools, colleges, and universities are indifferent to the demand for mass customisation of education, which results in a decline in student motivation [4].

Education Discrimination Not all preschool facilities have classes for children under the age of three, which is detrimental to low-income families where both parents have to work. The level of pre-primary education often diverges from the more demanding requirements of school entry.

Access to quality education and vocational training is difficult for certain groups. The lack of targeted support reduces access to education for children with a low social and economic status and for migrants. Universities provide programmes taught in foreign languages mainly English , while there are no professional or vocational programmes in the native and indigenous languages of the peoples of Russia except for the programmes on Native Languages specifically.

As for older age groups, their requests for knowledge appropriate to their needs and capabilities are far from being accommodated, although lifelong learning is one of the key factors towards an active life which contributes to an increased life span. Russia lacks a system of lifelong education for sustainable development, a regulatory framework, and a whole institution approach. The global context is barely presented, reinforcing the cultural gap between Russia and the world.

Problems in the Teaching Profession The introduction of professional standards has not resulted in a renewal of teaching competencies required for modern education digital literacy, project work and research activities, social practices, etc. Universal requirements are applied to educators, teachers and trainers, without considering the specificities of working with different categories of students. This includes teaching individuals with intellectual disabilities, physical and health impairments, talented and gifted students, and those with Russian as a second language, etc.

The prestige of the teaching profession is low since it is traditionally associated with bureaucratic red tape and an abundance of paperwork. There should be a transition from financial autonomy to management autonomy an elected administration, an increased role for governing councils, independence of conflict commissions.

Educational institutions should switch from state and public administration to public administration. Creating organizational and financial conditions for the development of more flexible and demand-driven non-governmental education. Schools and kindergartens should become public, and should be transferred to the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Reducing working time to 27 hours per week. Regulating extra-curricular activities. Eliminating unpaid and forced labour, including drafting additional reports initiated by the administration; this should be done on a voluntary basis and for an additional payment.

Promoting the concept of sustainable development and SDG 4 within formal, non-formal compulsory and informal education. Preparing and introducing educational modules on sustainable development for all levels of education and teacher training courses. Приказ Министерства труда и социальной защиты Российской Федерации от 18 июля г.

Доступ из справ. Major Problems and Challenges 2. О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «О ежемесячных выплатах семьям, имеющим детей».

Федерации от 02 августа г. Принят Гос. Думой Федер. Федерации 24 июля г. Советом Федерации Федер. Федерации 26 июля г. Russia ranks 1st in terms of «Health and Survival» and «Educational Attainment». For example, the list of professions banned for women has been reduced from to jobs [1]. Social insurance and social protection of women have also changed; the Social Insurance Fund has switched to direct payment of T he «Gender Equality» status of Russia has been deteriorating over the past 14 years.

In , the Global Gender Gap Index [4] placed the country in the 49th position, in it was ranked 75th, and in , 81st among countries. Gender Discrimination The legal prohibition of gender discrimination is declarative in character. Perpetrators are almost never held accountable. There are no special bodies exclusively dedicated to equality and fighting gender discrimi- 32 1.

Seasons in Austria: Temperature and Climate by Month

Additional monthly benefits have been introduced for the first and second children under the age of three for families with an average per capita income below two minimum subsistence levels [2]. Russia has adopted the National Action Strategy for Women Legal proceedings fail to be an effective mechanism for protecting against discrimination, and there are no special rules that regulate the burden of proof in such cases.

The court determines only the fact of discrimination and awards compensation for the injury to feelings in small amounts ranging from 5, to 30, rubles. The list of professions and occupations banned for women continues to exist. Федерации от 29 декабря г. Федерации 22 декабря г.

Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - Академический год

Федерации 27 декабря г. The gender focus of state statistics, including migration statistics, is weak. The Global Gender Gap Report Конфедерация труда России.

Федерации от 12 января г. Федерации 8 декабря г. Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. Общероссийская ассоциация женских общественных организаций «Консорциум женских неправительственных объединений».

Москва, Статья 6. Федерации 20 декабря г. Федерации 26 декабря г. The country has no special law on domestic violence, nor an established mechanism of interdepartmental cooperation, nor a mechanism for victim protection, nor a system of social assistance. There is no unified system for collecting information on domestic violence cases [10].

Battery is decriminalised.

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Domestic violence is most often qualified as an administrative offence [11], which does not protect the rights of victims and does not prevent violent felony offences. The average penalty imposed is less than 6, rubles, and does not constitute commensurate and fair punishment. Criminal prosecution is carried out on the basis of private prosecution, where the victims have to represent the prosecution themselves.

Such cases are often terminated due to a reconciliation of the parties involved. There is no specific law aimed at preventing human trafficking, while women and children are the most likely to fall into the hands of traffickers. The international requirement for trafficked persons, that victims of trafficking shall be exempt from liability for violation of migration laws, is not being followed; There are neither regulations to prevent harassment nor special measures for liability for sexual harassment in the workplace.

Russia lacks national statistics on child marriage. Child pregnancy statistics report that hundreds of minors give birth every year [18]. Антонова Ю. Доклад «Убитые сплетнями». Убийства женщин по мотивам «чести» на Северном Кавказе. Отчет по результатам качественного социологического исследования в республиках Дагестан, Ингушетия и Чечня Российская Федерация.

Правовая инициатива. In the North Caucasus, religious marriages between minors are performed by clergy. These marriages are not officially registered. Сиражудинова C. Жертвы сплетен в Ингушетии, Vulnerable groups of reproductive age, including young people under the age of 18, are being neglected.

The International Labour Organisation. Both compulsory and extra-curricular sex education are not integrated into the school curriculum.

Производство калечащих операций на половых органах у девочек. Отчет по результатам качественного исследования в Республике Дагестан. Psychological counselling, ultrasounds, sessions with social workers, psychologists and religious representatives, and other practices of manipulation and intimidation are often imposed on women to prevent them from seeking abortions.

Практики калечащих операций в республиках Северного Кавказа: стратегии преодоления. Ридеро, Saida V. Федеральная служба государственной статистики. There is a practice of commercial reproductive exploitation including forced surrogacy.

The victims of this practice are often women from particularly vulnerable groups who have limited access to termination of unwanted pregnancies or are in dire need of money. These women are often criminally prosecuted.

Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights There is no system of subsidised or free contraceptives provided to vulnerable groups. Unpaid Labour Women suffer from discrimination as caregivers for children and other family members.

Most employers do not implement any policies for employees with family responsibilities, or for the elimination of discrimination and gender-based violence. Legislation regulates the rights and responsibilities of male and female parents in different ways. Male military and internal affairs personnel are not entitled to childcare leave on an equal basis with women.

Birth and child-rearing allowances rema in low. Public assistance measures in childcare are not sufficiently effective while the level of social services infrastructure remains poor. Women in Decision-making Women are excluded from strategic decision-making processes. The share of women on the boards of Russian public companies is one of the lowest — 3. Women are underrepresented within political authorities.

In , women accounted for Сообщество «Женщины в советах директоров». In order to prevent abortions through the Compulsory Medical Insurance system, it is necessary to provide vulnerable groups with protection against unwanted pregnancies contraception free of charge or by partially covering its costs.

The total stream discharge into the sea is estimated at 4, Most of this is generated in Russia. In terms of this indicator, Russia is ranked 28th in the world [1]. Water management in Russia is regulated by the Water Code. This document establishes basin districts and basin councils a basin-based approach.

Theoretically, the SKYOVO should improve the ecological status of water bodies as well as assist in the elaboration and implementation of basin plans i. Государственный доклад «О состоянии и использовании водных ресурсов РФ в г. Об утверждении Водной стратегии Российской Федерации на период до года и плана мероприятий по ее реализации с изменениями на 17 апреля года от 27 августа года N р дата обращения: The regions of the Russian Federation should make an inventory of floodplains by These areas are at risk of water pollution, so their systematization will help reduce it.

The Project aims to provide It also provides for the reduction of polluted wastewater discharges into Lake Baikal and the Volga River, as well as the ecological restoration of water bodies. There are singular examples of technologies applied to reduce the pollution of water bodies: UV disinfection of drinking water and wastewater, disinfection with bipolar membrane electrolysis, animal waste processing, the biological treatment of domestic wastewater, and the introduction of dry composting toilets.

International cooperation on transboundary waters includes bilateral agreements with Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine. Such agreements help investigate the state of transboundary river basins and jointly plan pollution protection and restoration measures.

Паспорт национального проекта «Экология». Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation As of now, Moreover, there are often no water protection zones close to water sources or they are not properly maintained. In , Pollution of Surface and Groundwater The share of insufficiently treated wastewater in Russia is about More than 5, sites of groundwater contamination have been identified, including 3, at drinking and domestic water withdrawal.

In according to the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Roshydromet [7], experts registered 2, cases of high and extremely high levels of contamination of water bodies.

The basins of the Ob, Volga and Amur Rivers have been identified as the most polluted. The sources of surface and groundwater pollution are most often municipal and industrial wastewaters. Diffuse source water pollution in floodplains increases the volume of pollutants released into water bodies. Changes in the Hydrological Regime The impact of climate change is visible through changes in seasonal flood patterns and floodplains caused by long wet seasons.

These phenomena exacerbate surface water pollution from ground sources in flood areas. The construction of reservoirs for hydroelectric power plants HPP , especially cascades the Volga, Kama, Angara, Verkhniy Yenisei, Irtysh, and Ob Rivers and the regulation of runoff through dams, disturbs the natural hydrological regime and leads to water scarcity during the navigation season. In late autumn and winter, it leads to an excess of water in the lower ponds of HPPs and in the lotic areas of the river.

Отчет «Мониторинг хода реализации мероприятий национального проекта «Экология», в том числе своевременности их финансового обеспечения, достижения целей и задач, контрольных точек, а также качества управления». Счетная палата Российской Федерации, Обеспечение питьевой водой населения России. Демин, д. Национальный портал «Природа России», Доклад на заседании Коллегии Росводресурсов «Об основных итогах работы федерального агентства водных ресурсов за год и задачах на год», В.

Никаноров, врио руководителя Федерального агентства водных ресурсов. Recommendations to the State Water Resources Management The existing model of water resources management does not fully address water problems. The Water Code does not cover the key tasks of water resources protection. Many amendments made to water legislation in recent years do not benefit it, but instead reflect the interests of a small group of people involved in the operation of water bodies.

The separation of powers of federal and regional authorities on water resources management is not always effective; regional institutions lack the authority to improve the condition of water bodies under federal jurisdiction.

Society is not actively engaged in water resources management and is unaware of its value, leading to irresponsible use of water resources. The situation with regard to water resources goes beyond local, regional and sectoral problems, and affects the quality of life of the entire population and the economy of the country.

The system of water resources management is deteriorating due to the ongoing reorganization of state environmental protection agencies, relaxed state control and monitoring of water bodies, the absence of comprehensive basin programs, reduced budget funding for scientific research and project work, sectoral water resources management, and the poorly engineered construction of dams on flat relief rivers.

Switch from the disposable use of fresh water to closed loop water systems. Restore forests in catchment areas to ensure the sustainable hydrological regime of water bodies.

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This is intended to promote technologies of alternative biological systems of wastewater treatment for small stand-alone units and settlements. Preserve and restore them.

Stop the further construction and development of HPPs with dams and resort instead to renewable energy sources. Ensure the transition to closed biogenic loop systems on farms. Incorporate effective animal waste utilization technologies, which will guarantee the protection of water bodies for pollution, into the list of best available technologies BAT. This is a short-term measure that does not require significant costs. Обзор состояния и загрязнения окружающей среды в Российской Федерации за год.

Москва, дата обращения: Река Луга и бассейн южного берега Финского залива. Программа «Природа и человек» в Год Экологии. Trends and Advances since Early E 1. Данные по показателям ЦУР. Рейтинг стран Европы по доступности электроэнергии для населения. РИА Новости. Министерство экономического развития РФ. Государственный доклад о состоянии энергосбережения и повышении энергетической эффективности в Российской Федерации Electricity in Russia is relatively inexpensive. On average, a Russian household pays less than 5 euro cents for 1 kWh.

The figure in Europe is times higher. In terms of the amount of electricity available for the average salary, Russia ranked 12th in Europe among 54 countries in [2]. Natural gas is the key pillar of the Russian energy sector. In recent years, Russia has made an effort to launch a renewable energy sources RES sector. This system covers solar, wind and small hydropower facilities. Between and this scheme supported the construction of 1 GW renewable energy power plants [4]. By , this indicator will reach 5.

In , it was decided to extend the support of RES on the wholesale electricity and capacity market for the period up to The support scheme itself will be adjusted and approved in The construction of new renewable energy facilities up to 10 GW is planned. In the coming years, the process of encouraging a voluntary demand for electricity may be actively pursued. In , the government passed a law on microgeneration [5], allowing individuals to connect their generation facilities to the grid with a capacity of up to 15 kW mainly solar panels on the roofs of detached homes and sell the excess energy.

In the past, microgeneration facilities in Russia could operate only in an autonomous mode. In some cases with tariffs starting at 10 cents per 1 kWh , the transition of small and medium enterprises to renewable energy is becoming economically viable.

Федеральный закон от 27 декабря г. N ФЗ «О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «Об электроэнергетике» в части развития микрогенерации». Technological development of economy sectors. D espite these positive trends, the implementation of SDG 7 in Russia is slow. Poor Level of Government Support Russian energy policy is conservative and focused on the extraction, consumption and export of fossil fuels.

The goal to develop renewable energy sources, and achieve a 4. In terms of energy efficiency and RES development, Russia lags behind other countries by decades. Ineffective Incentives for Energy Efficiency As for energy efficiency, some state support measures in Russia are a mere formality. For example, since companies investing in the construction of highly energy-efficient 45 buildings have been able to receive an investment tax credit [9].

However, in practice, it is impossible to take advantage of this benefit for commercial property. Moreover, a new rule came into force on January 1, , according to which this benefit is only available in those regions where the relevant law is adopted. The installed capacity of renewable energy power plants excluding large hydropower plants is also insignificant - 1. In the sphere of heating and cooling, as well as in the transport sector, the use of RES is neither regulated by the state, nor encouraged.

Practically all of the state support of RES in Russia is limited to support of the sector on the wholesale electricity and capacity market. In , the cost of 1 kWh produced by wind energy was estimated by the Market Council to be 18 cents, and the cost of 1 kWh produced by solar energy was estimated at 39 cents.

In comparison, the global values of these indicators average between 2. The high cost of renewable energy generation on the wholesale and capacity market in Russia is explained by high capital costs, related to the mandatory localization of RES equipment production in Russia, the high cost of capital and the absence of incentives to increase capacity.

When using foreign equipment mostly from China , the price of 1 kWh of solar power generation in Russia already exceeds 7 cents. Energy subsidies: Evolution in the global energy transformation to Анализ системных эффектов программы поддержки ВИЭ 1. This means that, in general, Russians support the transition to renewable energy and the development of energy-efficient technologies, but at the same time, they are not always ready to act when extra costs are required.

High Electricity Prices in Isolated Areas Since some settlements in Russia are isolated from the Unified Energy System, they have to produce electricity through diesel fuel combustion. Some of these communities have been equipped with dozens of solar and wind power plants, which operate in the same system as diesel generation.

However, RES power generation has not yet appeared in all the communities that need it, while solar-diesel and wind-diesel power systems are frequently not efficient enough. Civil Society Recommends E nergy-efficient green technologies and renewable energy should become an emerging trend in Russia. The following steps will facilitate this process.

It is necessary to establish a new national goal for improving the energy efficiency of the Russian economy for the period up to It is also necessary to develop and adopt 46 targets to achieve a certain share of RES in all sectors of the energy industry by To achieve this, it is recommended that regions and cities establish their own RES and energy efficiency policies, as well as develop plans to meet them.

Налоговый кодекс РФ, пп. Levelized cost of energy analysis — Version Отношение населения к изменению климата, возобновляемым источникам энергии и энергосбережению It is necessary to extend the investment tax credit for highly energy-efficient commercial property and ban the requirement for regional regulation of this tax benefit.

During the second stage of RES implementation through the Power Delivery Contract Program for , it is necessary to switch to a competitive selection of RES projects on the basis of single-rate price, which takes into account capital and operating costs, and the cost of capital and capacity, not just capital costs as in the current situation.

It is also preferable to substitute fines for a failure to meet localization requirements with incentives for meeting these requirements.

Russia should develop a regulatory framework that would allow energy companies to offer green tariffs for individuals and organizations, and enable them to fully or partially switch to RES. It is also recommended to introduce a net metering system when calculating electricity payments for households, with renewable energy microgeneration connected to the grid.

С ivil society can and should disseminate reliable and relevant information about the importance of energy conservation, the real cost of renewable energy technologies, and the environmental and social advantages of RES, amongst others.

They can promote them, and organize workshops and excursions for those who want to visit. Уровень безработицы в разбивке по полу, возрасту и признаку инвалидности 8. In the period covered since , the unemployment rate has decreased from 5. Financial accessibility has significantly increased for the population for example, growth of the use of remote banking services, and the development of means of accessing financial services for people with disabilities.

There is also the successful development of digitalization and optimization of the provision of state and municipal services. Since , the minimum wage has met the cost of living.

The amount of unemployment benefits have also increased, and benefits for the first and second child under 3 years old have been introduced. I n this chapter, we will consider the most pivotal issues for civil society that require priority attention.

Employment for All 2. According to independent experts, The area of labor law regulation is narrowing in Russian legislation. For instance, a draft law developed in by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation [3] excludes workers who are hired by individuals not individual entrepreneurs from the scope of labor legislation, and reduces the guarantees for individuals working with individual entrepreneurs.

Moreover, the general composite unemployment rate indicator does not reflect regional distribution. In Moscow, the unemployment rate was 1.

Over this period of time, the problem of an excessive concentration of jobs in large cities has not been solved, despite the existence of this goal in the Concept of LongTerm Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation until [4]. One of the most pressing issues remains the problem of employment for people with disabilities. Despite job quotas, employers avoid hiring people with disabilities. The rules on the obligation of the employer to create special jobs, in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Law on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities, do not work.

Instead of adapting jobs, employers prefer to dismiss people with disabilities, explaining this as due to a lack of suitable work for them. Проект Федерального закона «О внесении изменений в Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации в части совершенствования правового регулирования трудовых отношений отдельных категорий работников ».

Концепция долгосрочного социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации на период до года, утвержденная Распоряжением Правительства РФ от Неравенство и бедность. Дифференциация оплаты труда работников. Реальные денежные доходы населения. The State Labor Inspectorate does not check the working conditions of such persons but does communicate information about violations to the migration services in order to use administrative measures including deportation.

Wage Rates Wage rates are low. In the period covered, there has been a slight increase in real average monthly wages.

The percentage of employees of organizations with low wages below twothirds of median hourly earnings in was This situation indicates that the state is insufficiently indexing social payments, benefits, etc.

The minimum wage is low. The decision to bring minimum wage to the level of a living wage did not solve the problem of working poverty but rather simply equated minimum wage with the poverty level. The minimum wage was made dependent on the cost of living, calculated on the basis of the consumer basket.

In turn, a significant proportion of the consumer basket consists of food expenses, which do not correspond to real consumer spending and are disproportionate to other expenses. The calculation of the consumer basket excludes family members.

Current regulations allow employers to pay almost all employees the minimum wage, regardless of their skill level, position and working conditions. Inequality and Discrimination Russia is a country with one of the highest levels of income inequality, and this is even more pronounced in terms of property. Inconsistency remains in the remuneration systems used by employers in various industries. Russian legislation contains no regulations on the maximum ratio of fixed and variable parts of wages, which allows employers to manipulate payments and arbitrarily determine the total amount to be paid.

As a result, law enforcers cannot always identify it. There are no non-judicial mechanisms for resolving discrimination disputes.

Correlation between average, median and modal wages in RUB average wage The powers of state labor inspectors are limited. Inspectors lack the resources to reach out to employers.

Priority is given to checking documents provided by the employer, rather than going to the enterprise itself. Field inspection requires additional conditions.

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Under Russian legislation, the procedure for holding strikes is complex and accompanied by a large number of restrictions, as international experts have repeatedly pointed out [7, 8]. Workers and trade unions face violations of the right to freedom of association.

Discrimination against union members, for instance, is a common practice. The unemployment rate in Moscow — 1. In order to create a full-fledged infrastructure to combat human trafficking and the use of forced labor, appoint a national coordinator and create a national action plan.

Information System on International Labour Standards. Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development — Report No , November , Case No Russian Federation. Increase the level of material support and service prestige for inspectors. Remove restrictions on strikes reduce the list of categories of workers prohibited from exercising the right to strike, simplify the procedure for declaring a strike, and expand the scope of recognition of the right to strike.

Указ Президента РФ от 7 мая г. Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 30 сентября г. According to official data, Russia saw a decrease in the volume of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP between and The level of international support for infrastructure increased in The length of public roads also grew annually [4]. Since the summer of , roaming within the country has been legally abolished in Russia.

Since , the share of Russian households with broadband Internet access has increased [5] in , it was Russia ranks 8th in Major Problems and Challenges D 2. Russia is one of the countries with the cheapest unlimited Internet, mobile Internet and cellular connections. In recent years, Russia has been one of the world leaders in digital banking, including mobile banking [6].

The country occupies a leading position in the development of its scientific and technological potential. Russian business leaders are gradually implementing the SDGs in their strategies and business models [9], [10]. Паспорт национального проекта «Безопасные и качественные автомобильные дороги» утв. Виноградова Е. Какие инструменты может внедрять бизнес, чтобы двигаться к ЦУР?

A significant amount of budget funds allocated for infrastructure development are spent inefficiently [11]. Some problems of infrastructure development are common to most regions of Russia. For example, there is a shortage of ready-to-launch projects, a lack of specialists in the field of project financing, and a vision of infrastructure development which only takes into account the near future [12].

There is an urgent need to increase the share of modern housing stock in the country. New housing is being built in abundance, compared to other developed countries, but quite often old buildings are not demolished [13].

Urban development does not meet modern standards of quality with regard to the urban environment and housing. Concrete multi-storey buildings and neighborhoods are being built outside high-speed public transport systems and without access to recreational opportunities. Russia is also falling behind in the implementation of the advanced communication standard of 5G. Sustainable Industrialization and Small Businesses Russia is characterized by an imbalance in the development of various industries; the hypertrophied military-industrial complex is combined with an underdeveloped sector for the production of consumer goods and services [14].

Russia is lagging behind in the development of innovative industries focused on the modern service economy. Falling demand due to declining incomes, frequent changes in legislation that constrain investment in industry, and the suboptimal regulation of investment itself are hindering development and change in industrial structures.

Natural climate and institutional costs increase the cost of Russian products [15] and limit the potential of production, while the dominance of the oil and gas sector inhibits the development of non-resource industry [16]. In Russia, it is more profitable to engage in trade than production. A lack of funding is one of the key factors limiting the development of small businesses in Russia. In , rates on loans for a period of 1 year or more for the small and medium-sized enterprise SME sector were 1.

Due to the high rate of loan non-repayment in the SME sector, and several other factors, loan rates in Russia are high and it is difficult to get them. Early entrepreneurial activity in was 5. Other problems for small businesses include insufficient demand, high taxes, the uncertain economic situation, and administrative pressure.

Полиди Т. Акиндинова Н. Российская экономика: от трансформации к развитию. Доклад к XIX Апрельской международной научной конференции по проблемам развития экономики и общества.

Заусаев В. Гуриев С. Russian businesses have a poorly developed culture of respect for the environment and commitment to the SDGs. There are a lot of low-profit businesses in the country which view switching to more expensive technologies that are environmentally friendly to be an unprofitable option.


Small and medium-sized businesses are not well-informed about the SDGs. Innovation and Science in Russia The state policy for the development of science and innovation in Russia has not been consistent. The number of researchers per 1, employed persons 5.

The main problems are the weak integration of science and business, and a shortage of engineering and technical personnel competent in relevant scientific and technological areas.

According to StartupRanking [21], only innovative startups were created in Russia 19th place in the world , while in the US there are about 48 thousand innovative startups, 7, in India, and 5, in the UK. Scientific research in most regions of Russia is usually of quite a low quality, and the share of innovation is very low[22, 23]. Research activities are mainly concentrated in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and several other regional centers, as well as in science cities.

Increase the transparency of procedures for allocating state contracts for infrastructure-building, and perform open examinations of the construction of infrastructure facilities. Create incentives for the population to abandon personal vehicles.