Baki metropoliteni xeritesi, BAKI - - Azərbaycan Milli Kitabxanası

Baki metropoliteni xeritesi

Зульфугаров, О. Yusifli, C. İbrahimli, S. Рзаев, К. Мирзоев, М.

Mustafayev R. SUMMARY Intensification of all spheres of production, wide application of systems of automatized projection generate new requirements in engineer training.

These requirements consist of improving graphic literacy of specialists in the first place.

Elmi Əsərlər: Aгərbaвcan Memarliq Və İnşaat Universiteti

Modern scientific and technical progress opens vast opportunities for human development. This requires instructors of a higher technical school to review their understanding of didactic accompaniment of training students towards work involving engineering graphics. Tomin, D. Beylin, E. Mittas, B. Karlovskiy, E. Strukov, E. BКqКtoЯ, A. MMTTac E. MaTBeeB A. Optimizing of working process of chained trench excavator during the construction of drainage.

To determine the optimal parameters of working process of chained trench excavators in the construction of drainages, mathematical models and their solution ways were given in this article. Key words: drainage, ditcher, chained trench excavator, mathematical models, working process. Quliyev, N. Abasova, C.

Mog peg. İЦКnoЯ K. КynиeB, H. Guliyev, N. Abasova, J. Mathematical description of the glazing-curing process in the production of wood-chip boards. In this article, using the data of the process chart of company furniture industry, has been given a mathematical description of the glazing-curing process in the production of wood-chip boards. Key words: technological process, model, glazing-curing, «black box».

КepиnOB, Э. Karimov, E. In perfect production of elevator winches worm reduction gears are mainly used. It is well known that such reducers are expensive from the perspective of producing them. In this structure one-step cylindrical helical reducers are applied, which are far less expensive in production. This given structure, although keeping running ability, is more efficient from efficiency point of view.

Bakı Metrosunu öyrənək 🚇 Xəritə Plan 🚉

Key words: Elevator, speed, winch. Efendiev, M. It is consided the electrolits of firmness and cover-decorative cromium-plating in repair undertaking and in services, whic demands private correct and complicated analysis in this article. Key words: cromium, elektroliz, elektrolit, analys.

This article was written about great person of literature and historical thinking founder of revolutionary democracy satire in Azerbaijan greatly respected poet M. Sabir for his anniversaries. The article includes the struggle where lived Sabir, the way getting highly of literature and different interesting part of his life.

Free society, human liberty, unbelievable illiberal hard life of the people, being without human rights which was highlight of Sabir bring to the literature was wide discuss in this article.

Key words: society, literature, Sabir, Azerbaijan, human rights, freedom, democracy. K MpmMepy, A. MeHegwMeHT", , c. MoHETme B. BacmnaeBA cM. VTKmHa, F. MpmumHa 1. The article deals with the definition of "innovation". The study confirms that there are many definitions of the term "innovation". Innovation - the result of a creative process, which is represented as a new product or technology. Innovation - the process of implementing new ideas in every sphere of human activity to help meet existing needs in the market and bringing economic benefits.

Keywords: innovation, classification of innovation, the innovation process. Buckling load of pined-pined inhomogeneouse concrete column Tiraj Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Academic Documents. Professional Documents. Culture Documents. Personal Growth Documents. Uploaded by Saracli Axmed. AI-enhanced title. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate?

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Search inside document. Mame6OB Chief Editor: G. Guliyeva Editorial Board: F. Aliyeva Landscape architecture SUMMARY Landscape architecture fells about the variety of volumetric-spatial solutions, which open the whole complexity and diversity of landscape compositions, that makes people to think about a range of philosophic and a esthetic problems. Key words: architecture, landscape, graund, projekt, reliyef, nature UOT Sadeghzadeh Benam System of transportation of Tabriz city SUMMARY There is a density of vehicles in the dominant communication arteries, intersections, and town squares with different intensity and weakness in the city of Tabriz.

Key words: Tabriz city, transportation, international airport, railway, underground, bus system, monorail Х.

Key words: Alternative energy, solar energy active, passive, sustainable, H. Memar Z. Keywords: style, modern architecture, the city of Baku, postmodernism, high-tech building, deconstruction, eclectic, neomodernism VДК SUMMARY Utopia the great humanist XVI Thomas Mor named the dream of a fair and happy society Having considered all examples of utopian projects of the city environment ,having weighed all pro and contra, it would be desirable to note that, they as though did not seem fantastic and unreal they can be examples for imitation as in their fundamental principle the idea humanization societies lays, concepts of ideal architecture and the spatial environment as a whole.

Guliyeva Problems of public transport in the city of Baki and elimination methods. Aceepan Puc. Hajiyeva Fortifications of Sheki-Zagatala district and their analogies in the other regions of Azerbaijan SUMMARY Sheki- Zagatala architecture is notable for rich palette of building materials thanks to stone, river stone, brick, wood and ceramic. Abasov Research of efficiency of elevating pontoons of support blocks of stationary platforms and their improvement SUMMARY All support blocks of the joint venture having positive buoyancy are equipped with pontoons, in the quadrangular form, from pipes of the big diameter.

Key words: pontoon, support, support blok, stationary platform, installation, floating UDC Figure 1. Stress-strain curves, left: general, right: Todeschini 2.

BAKI - 2011 - Azərbaycan Milli Kitabxanası

A: Todeschini model, B: Hognestad model, s: secant modulus, t: tangent modulus, r: reduced modulus of elasticity 3. Tanirverdiyev Indivisible state cadastre of the property in Azerbaijan SUMMARY The main formation stages of the state cadastre, their carrying, putting tasks before and contemporary formation problems of cadastre are looked into article.

Mehdiyev Characters of the installation deformations and organization of the observations SUMMARY The deformation kinds and results of their creation are investigated, the deformation calculation formulas are shown in the article. Verdiyev Applying of the geographic information technology and space image in geodesy SUMMARY In this paper, using the geodetic measurements, and based on the applying of GIS and space images in geodesy, was developed the corporate GIS, giving opportunity us to solve the control problem for the energy networks of Garadagh district.

Qurbanova Lufluence of storing conditions on properties of dry building admixtures SUMMARY Lufluence of storing storage conditions on properties of dry building admixtures is researched a analized Key words: waste, lime, quarry, building , portlandcement. Musayev Definition of center of gravity of plane figures segment with a different methods SUMMARY This article identified the center of gravity of a segment with a different methods.

Key words: centre of gravity, area of the segment, differential equations, infinitesimal elements, boundary surfaces UOT A. Nuraliev Optimizing of working process of chained trench excavator during the construction of drainage SUMMARY To determine the optimal parameters of working process of chained trench excavators in the construction of drainages, mathematical models and their solution ways were given in this article.

Key words: drainage, ditcher, chained trench excavator, mathematical models, working process UOT Nuraliyev Mathematical description of the glazing-curing process in the production of wood-chip boards SUMMARY In this article, using the data of the process chart of company furniture industry, has been given a mathematical description of the glazing-curing process in the production of wood-chip boards.

Key words: Elevator, speed, winch UOT Soltanov The aplication of cromium-plating in repair and in service SUMMARY It is consided the electrolits of firmness and cover-decorative cromium-plating in repair undertaking and in services, whic demands private correct and complicated analysis in this article.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Freakonomics Rev Ed From Everand. Steven D. Mark Manson. Rating: 4. Jane Austen. Margaret Atwood. From Everand. Robert T. Sun Tzu. Neil Gaiman. Stephen R. Nicholas Frankel. The Lord of the Rings From Everand. Dale Carnegie. Chris Voss. Joseph Heller. Robert Fitzgerald. Oscar Wilde. Yann Martel. Stephen Mitchell. Работники сферы искусства и культуры в наибольшей степени пострадали от безработицы, вызванной мерами в связи пандемией. Если государства не предпримут необходимых шагов, то пандемия может привести к долговременной культурной катастрофе.

Известная онлайн библиотека MyBook представили топ самых смешных книг по мнению читателей. В исследовании приняло участие более человек. TIME с свою очередь создал свою подборку наиболее известных писателей — остряков азербайджанской литературы. Культура финской сауны, мастерство изготовления механических часов в Швейцарии, азербайджанский традиционный праздник граната, культура пчеловодства на деревьях в Польше и Беларуси и еще ряд других традиций пополнили Репрезентативный список нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Лауреатом Букеровской премии в года стал шотландский писатель Дуглас Стюарт с романом «Шагги Бейн». Like this: Like Loading Приближается лучшее время года для чтения книг. Zeynalov; N. Qurbanov, A. Muxtarova, N. Abdullayev, R. Quliyev; N. Piriyev; Az. Abbasova, B. Tusi ADPU. Qaralov, M. Orucov; N.

Muradova, Z. Novruzova, G. Zeynalov, S. Abdullayev, N. Feldman, F. Korovkin, F. Musayev, O. Osmanov; red. Yusifli; ixt. İman, O. Yusifli, Y.

Ахмедова, И. Гейдаров, О. Зульфугаров, О. Махмудов, Я. Юсифов, Р. Алиев; ред. Велиев; пер. Человек и общество [Текст]: учебник для 10 кл. Человек и общество [Текст]: учебник для 9 кл. Ахмедли [и др. Юсифов, Ю. Юсифов, И. Nadirov, İ. İsayev, N. Namazov; red. Babayev, A. Qaralov, Z. Имамалиев, А. Имамалиев, Р. Yaqubov, R.

Quliyev, H. Джуварлы, Ч. Джуварлы, Р. Abdullayev, O. Seyidova, N. Акперов, О. İbrahimov; red. Алигулиев, Р. Масимов; ред. İlyasov, H. Zeynalov; elmi red. Мирзоев, М. Мирзаджанзаде, А. Алиев, Х. İsrafilov; AEA. İmanov, N. İmanov; red.

Bakı metrosundan istifadənin animasiyalı izahı.

Гаджиев, Д. Qarayev ad. Fiziologiya İn-tu. Quliyev, V. Гурбанов Г. Abdullayeva, A. Rizayeva; red. Бахшиев Б. Алиева, З. Axundov, İ. Qurbanov, Y.

Исмаилов, И. Qarayev, Z. Амебиаз [Текст]: учебное пособие. Гаджиева, Т. Нариманова, Voronenko; elmi red. Ализаде, Р. Ализаде, А. Мамедов, Г. Мамедов, Т. Muradverdiyev; red. Abbasov; red. Сафаров, Г. Bayramova; red. Babayev, M. Abdullayev, Q. Abdullayev, Z. Sultanov, B. Abbasov, İ. Тяжких, Д. Sultanov, F.

Babayev, G. Раджабли, А. Zeynalova; red. Seyidov, A. Yeqorova, R. Абдуллазаде, Г. Махмудова, Ш. İsrafilov, İ. Сборник кроссвордов [Текст]. Раджабов, Г. Orucov, A. Sultanov, K. Xasiyev, Z. Axundov, Q. Sultanov, V. Xudiyev; Y. Yadigar, F. Каграмансой, М. Манафоглу, Р. Axundlu, Y. Bayat, F. Qocayev, M. Tahirli, A. Musayeva, A. Novruzov, X. Yusifli, C. Yusifli, V. Zaurlu, V. Гаджиев, А. Гулиев, Г. Кязимова, Л. Рагимова, Э. Ровшаноглу, Э. Алиев; М-во Образования Азерб.

Kateqoriya arxivləri: Mədəniyyət

Ин-т Русского Языка и Литературы им. Abbasov, Y. Un-ti, Umudov; N. Budaqi; AEA, Nizami ad. Abbas, H. Abdinov, S. Abdulov, N. Axundov, A. Axundov, M. Araz, M. Asiman, A. Bu da bir taledi Aslan, V. Behrudi, R. Billuri, H. Biriya, M. Buta, S. Zeynalov; red. Faiq, K. Rza, F. Xosrov, N. İbrahimov, B. İbrahimov, M.

İlkin Q. İlyasov, V. İmamverdiyev, Q. Keykurun, N. Qacar, M. Qail, N. Qarayeva N. Qeybullayev, Q. Qulamov, Q. Quliyev, İ. Qurban, T. Mahir, M. Mahmud, H. Namazov, N. Mustafa, F. Novruzov, İ. Sadiq, N. Sahib, F. Saleh, İ. Sarvan, S. Urud, M. Yaqub, Z. İbrahimsoy Rustavi. Аширзаде, Р. Гулиев, М. Мамедов, Э. От смешного до…. Намазов, О. Эфенди А. Doyl, A. Dumbadze, N. Kalef, N. Qoca Xalid. Гольдман, А. İbrahimli, S.

Musayev, T. Kengerli; red. Babaxanov, H. Abiyev, M. Bayramov, S. İbrahimov, N. Quliyev, B.